Boom in indie cosmetic players feeds growth in Indonesia

Boom in indie cosmetic players feeds growth in Indonesia

Reflecting the trend behind industry innovation and growth worldwide, particularly in the biggest market in the world, the US, young, on-point brands are emerging at a speed that is hard to keep up with and Indonesian’s consumers are lapping them up. The big players still have their place in the country, with domestic players such … Read more

D2C ‘best strategy’ but firms must clear tricky hurdles

Indonesia boasts the largest population in the South East Asian region with over 268m people, making it also the fourth-largest population in the world. While the size of the market can be daunting, cross-border shipping has lowered the barriers to entry for cosmetics companies. “The best strategy to penetrate the huge Indonesia market is going … Read more

Thai firm Jamulogy on mission to introduce Indonesian jamu to the world

Heralding from the Malay Archipelago, ‘jamu’ uses various herbs and spices native to the region, such as tamarind, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass and cloves, which are then added flavours such as passionfruit and bottled. Now the brand Jamulogy is hoping that its innovations can suit the global consumer taste bud. “I think it’s the right thing … Read more