Opportunities and risks faced by beauty giants in Indonesia | RISK & OPP

Opportunities and risks faced by beauty giants in Indonesia | RISK & OPP

The cosmetic industry in Indonesia is growing at a fast pace, due to the rising consumers’ demand and an expanding market for cosmetics. On average, the per capita consumer spending on cosmetics and toiletries in Indonesia amounted to US$ 20.2, statisca.com reported. The value is predicted to increase by US$ 7 by 2024, indicating sustained growth of … Read more

‘Legacy brands must constantly innovate to stay ahead’: L’Oréal marketer | Digital

L’Oréal’s newly created SAPMENA region—South Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa zone—headquartered in Singapore is not only diverse in demographics, but also forecasted to witness a sharp growth of new business over the next decade. The SAPMENA zone registered a 15.8% like-for-like sales increase and 18.7% in reported terms to the tune of 681 million … Read more