How can Chinese Cosmetic Brands Seize The “Hot Land” of The Indonesian Market? – – Industry News

How can Chinese Cosmetic Brands Seize The "Hot Land" of The Indonesian Market? - - Industry News – The Indonesian cosmetics market has huge potential, becoming a new blue ocean Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic country and the fourth most populous nation, with an average age of 28.3 years old and a large youth population with strong demand for cosmetics. Affected by the pandemic, e-commerce platforms have become popular, and the … Read more – Industry News – Berita Industri

Headline Rabu, 15 Mei 2024 – 13:50 WIB Kemenperin Beberkan Faktor Industri Tekstil, Pakaian Jadi & Alas Kaki Ekspansif di Triwulan I – 2024 Industri Kulit, Barang dari Kulit, dan Alas Kaki serta Industri Tekstil dan Pakaian Jadi tumbuh positif pada triwulan pertama 2024. Berturut-turut, pertumbuhan kedua subsektor mencapai 5,90 persen (yoy) dan 2,64 persen … Read more