Indonesian Film Festival vital component of film ecosystem: ministry

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) is an important component of the country’s film ecosystem, according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

“Not only (is it a vital part of) the film ecosystem, but also the cultural ecosystem because a film has such a big role in life,” director general of culture at the ministry, Hilmar Farid, remarked at a press conference on the 2022 FFI here on Friday

What the FFI has done has helped the government in making policies, especially in terms of the movie industry.

“We (the government) can see what the world of film needs,” he said.

According to Farid, the best movies selected at FFI can be used as a learning resource in schools for students to study each year.

“The ministry’s target is to foster a culture that is rooted in the (creative) works of the nation’s youth,” he said.

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The FFI is a benchmark for film achievement in Indonesia in the aspects of artistic excellence, production, to public acceptance, he added.

After being impacted by the pandemic, this year’s FFI is expected to be more lively than ever, he said.

“Indonesian films have begun to find their identity and some of the works have succeeded in gaining public sympathy and even obtaining high appreciation from overseas. Hopefully, Indonesian films will be on par with international films,” Farid remarked.

The Indonesian Film Festival on November 22, 2022, will carry the theme “Perempuan: Citra, Karya & Karsa” or “Women: Image, Creation & Passion.”

The word citra symbolizes the eternal beauty of women, the word karya symbolizes the birth of creation, and karsa symbolizes the power of women’s beautiful creations.

This year’s theme highlights women as the source of birth and the birth of creative works by women.

Related news: FFI plays important role in Indonesian film development: official

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