Share the Gospel with Joy, Pope Tells Indonesia’s Churchworkers – CatholicPhilly

Share the Gospel with Joy, Pope Tells Indonesia’s Churchworkers – CatholicPhilly

By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service • Posted September 10, 2024 JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNS) — The Christian call to share the Gospel is not about trying to win converts at all costs, but about living in a way that exudes Christian joy and always treats others with respect, Pope Francis told churchworkers in Indonesia. “Proclaiming … Read more

INDONESIA Pope tells Indonesian Church that missionaries ‘walk hand in hand’

“Proclaiming the Gospel does not mean imposing or opposing one’s faith to that of others,” Francis said in his meeting with bishops, clergy, and pastoral workers in Jakarta cathedral. Calling a catechist to him, he said that catechists carry the Church forward. “What keeps the world going is not the self-interest, it is the charity … Read more

Pope Francis greets orphans and refugees in Indonesia

By Almudena Martínez-Bordiú Madrid, Spain, Sep 3, 2024 / 18:00 pm Pope Francis has established certain habits over the years that have become beautiful traditions. One example is his custom of praying before the image of Our Lady Protection of the Roman People (Salus Populi Romani) in St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome before and … Read more

The Jakarta Post heeds his warning on democracy and human rights

The pontiff left Rome on the long flight to Jakarta. Tomorrow he will arrive at the nunciature; on Wednesday morning, he will be officially welcomed at the Presidential Palace. For President Joko Widodo, Francis is a “top figure” with whom he will discuss global issues, like Ukraine and Gaza”. Much hope is placed in the … Read more