Indonesian beauty brand Natasha Skincare expands into Malaysia

Indonesian beauty brand Natasha Skincare has formed a joint venture with Singaporean firm JCG-Beverly in Malaysia named Natasha Beverly. The joint venture is in tandem with JCG’s strategic plan to grow and expand its existing medical aesthetics, cosmetic surgery, healthcare and wellness businesses.

Founded in 1999, Natasha Skincare offers a range of advanced natural science beauty treatments and products for teenagers, men and women. It has more than 100 outlets in Indonesia and is known for its range of halal certified skincare and beauty products. Meanwhile, JCG-Beverly is the wholly-owned subsidiary of JCG Investment Holdings.

The joint venture is expected to commence operations in March 2020 to include a medical aesthetic clinic, medi-spa, chiropractor and physiotherapy services in Bangsar. Natasha Beverly has also been appointed as the sole distributor in Malaysia and Singapore for products bearing the “Natasha” brand name. This joint venture is a strategic alliance for both parties, enabling both to tap on each organisation’s network in their respective countries.

JCG aims to tap on Natasha’s extensive presence in Indonesia “to further enhance” its business in Malaysia. In particular, it wants to expand the group’s customer base in the cosmetic surgery and anti-aging businesses with referrals from Natasha Skincare’s network in Indonesia. JCG and Natasha Skincare will hold an initial stake of 56% and 44% respectively, with the intention for each party to transfer 5% of their shareholdings to future doctors and operators. Eventually, JCG and Natasha Skincare will hold a stake of 51% and 39% respectively while doctors and operators will hold the other 10% stake in the joint venture. JCG’s eventual 51% stake in the joint venture shall be for a total consideration of RM765,000 and be fully satisfied in cash and funded by internal sources of funds. A+M has reached out to JCG for additional information on the joint venture.

Ang Kok Huan, executive director and CEO of the group said it has been proactively looking for strategic partners and business opportunities to further deepen its group’s core businesses and expand its geographical reach.

“Last year we welcomed Malaysia-based Beverly Wilshire Medical Group led by its executive chairman Francis Ng; and now we have inked our relationship with Natasha. We look forward to working with more like-minded partners to build our group into a leading medical aesthetics, cosmetic surgery, healthcare and wellness brand in the region,” she said.

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