Diving in Indonesia’s Underwater Paradise – Bremont Watch Company

How does being below the water make you feel?

It’s a meditative experience. Nothing else matters when you’re down below on a single breath.

What are you looking for when trying to spot the perfect shot?

I’m always hoping to capture an image that makes people stop and stare, which is harder to achieve these days. Simple images with strong composition can be the most powerful.

How do you embody Bremont’s mantra, ‘Take It Further’?

For me, it’s about going the extra mile—seeking out those remote destinations and uncovering hidden gems for my work and travels.

What does ocean conservation mean to you?

It’s no secret that our oceans are at risk—from overfishing, climate change, habitat destruction, and plastic pollution. Ocean conservation means we, as stewards of the sea, must protect it. The ocean provides us with so much—from the air we breathe to the food we eat. While it’s tough to stay optimistic, it’s essential to remember we need to leave the ocean in a better state for future generations.

Have you witnessed a change in our oceans since you began exploring them?

Yes, I’ve seen some heartbreaking changes. Sites I’ve visited for years have lost much of their coral cover, with mass bleaching affecting places I once loved. I’ve also encountered plastic pollution so severe you have to push it aside just to swim through.

What do you want to inspire with your photography?

My goal is to help people connect with the natural world through my photography. I want to inspire others to care about the environment. Most of us live in cities, disconnected from nature, and it’s easy to forget how beautiful the natural world is.

You’ve been testing the Supermarine 300M Date.What do you make of its performance?

It’s tough and reliable, the perfect dive companion. 

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